Breakfast Club and After School Childcare
Following a consultation with parents and carers, St Mary's is pleased to be able to offer Breakfast and After School provision with 103 Childcare who are based at Weston Hub (opposite the school).
103, who are Ofsted registered, offer their Breakfast Club provision from 7:45am and safely drop the children at the school ready for 8:45am when the classroom doors open.
Children who attend the 103 After School Club are collected from their classrooms at 3:15pm
Please contact Emily or Jane for further information.
Jane Gooding - 07712212070
Emily White – 07902099777
Please note that the school does not operate the administration of this club and all bookings must be made directly with Jane or Emily.
Parents can also search for local registered childminders using this government website.
Please note that the school cannot recommend a certain organisation or provider to you. However, we are happy to share the names of groups who are known to us and care for our children when the school day ends