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Special Educational Needs

To contact the SENCO please email:

Jo West (Interim SENCO) jwest@st-marys.bathnes.sch.uk

c/o St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Mrs West's SENCO day is on a Friday

St Mary’s Catholic Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs Nicole Pecchia

Chair of Governors: Mrs Sarah Sharma

Penn Hill Road

Tel: 01225 429030

Office email: admin@st-marys.bathnes.sch.uk 

If you have a question or query then a member of our office team, Mrs C Moore, School Business Manager or Mrs S Hodson, School Administrator will happily support you. 


Opening Hours

Our school gates open at 8:30am with adult supervision available on the KS2 playground from this time.

The school day officially begins at 8:45am and it finishes at 3:15pm. 

Our school office team are available from 8:30am until 4:00pm.

We comply with the Department for Education requirement of at least 32.5 hours of school provision.


To contact the governors please write to:

Sue Hodson (Clerk to the Governors): clerk@st-marys.bathnes.sch.uk

c/o St Mary's Catholic Primary School

see address above

St Mary's Catholic Church

Parish Priest: Father Jeremy Rigden

Parish Administrator: Mrs Charlotte Boyall

St Mary's Catholic Church
Julian Road


Tel: 01225 311725

Parish website: www.stmarysbath.org.uk

Parish email: bath.stmary@cliftondiocese.com

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