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Inclusion & Special Educational Needs and Disability Team

Interim Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO): Mrs Jo West jwest@st-marys.bathnes.sch.uk

Mrs West works as SENCO every Friday. Please bewarned that it may take 5-7 working days for a response from when you send your email.

If your email is of an urgent nature then please contact the school for the support of the senior leadership team.

Inclusion & Special Educational Needs and Disability

St Mary's cares passionately for each pupil and their individual needs. In 2014, the Children's and Families Act brought a range of new expectations to schools and local authorities. On this page you will find St Mary's' 'Local Offer' which details the services and provision offered by our Local Authority, B&NES, and school. Further information  and access to support and resources is available via this link.

You will also find other useful documents below. Please contact Mrs West (SENCO) if you have any queries.

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