Reception is a very special year for your child as they begin their school journey and join the St Mary's community. The year is full of new experiences in an environment that aims to inspire, nurture and respond to the children's interests. Our Early Years classroom is carefully organised so that the children have independent access to high quality play and learning resources. We are lucky to have a very spacious outdoor classroom including sand, water, a garden area and tree house.
We begin with the topic ‘Marvellous Me’ as we get to know each other. ‘Our Community’ topic in the Spring term includes a trip to the High Street and a visit from a local police officer. Reception enjoy exploring storytelling in a ‘Once upon a time’ topic and spend time learning about celebrations and festivals throughout the year such as Diwali and Lunar New Year. We look forward to a trip to a local farm in the Summer, discovering how things grow and going on a mini-beast hunt. Our other topics throughout Reception are inspired by the children's interests.
Reception Newsletters