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Reception Class

Our Reception teachers are Mrs Sztymiak and Mrs Wilson. Reception class has an outdoor play area to make learning even more enjoyable. The year in Reception class has many highlights, including learning to read with our year 6 reading partners and going on a visit to a farm.

Year 1

Year 1’s teacher is Miss Ayres. They learn about many things in the classroom and in their outdoor learning area. They have exciting topics including a space topic, and everyone enjoys year 1’s space day.


Year 2

Year 2’s teachers is Miss Luque. As our oldest infants they learn many exciting topics and have a chance to act all the major roles in the school nativity play in December. 

Year 3

Mrs West teaches year 3 – an exciting year as the children are now in Key Stage 2. Everyone in class will learn to play the recorder this year. Their many interesting topics include learning about the Stone Age and a visit to Stonehenge.


Year 4

Ms Wooding teaches year 4. Year 4 enjoy learning the ukulele!

Year 5

Miss Rudgley teaches year 5. The children have the chance to look after a younger reading partner this year. They learn about the Ancient Egyptians and about rivers and water in the world. Year 5 also have an exciting opportunity for a residential weekend retreat at Kilve Court in the spring.


Year 6

Year 6’s teachers Mrs Hastings and Mr Gailor.

Year 6 is an exciting time for the children as they prepare for their move up to secondary school! As the oldest pupils in the school, they are encouraged to lead by example and be inspiring role models for the younger children.


Pupils in year 6 are given many opportunities to develop their independence and resilience, as well as to be a responsible citizen. Something they always look forward to is becoming a reading partner to a pupil in Reception – weekly sessions take place during which they read to their partner, as well as having opportunities to play with them and accompany them at school events. It is truly magical to see those caring and supportive bonds develop over the course of the year.

At the beginning of the academic year, year 6 pupils are voted in by members of their house in the role of house captain. The job of the house captains is to take responsibility for the leadership and organisation of their house throughout the forthcoming academic year.

All year 6 pupils enjoy the prestige of carrying out various jobs around the school, including the gathering of recycling ready for the weekly collection, helping the younger children in the dining hall at lunch time, getting out and putting away play equipment and preparing the hall for our school liturgies.


We aim to prepare our pupils to be ready for the national tests in May so that they can perform to the best of their ability. To support them, we offer a breakfast club during SATs week so that children can come to school and relax with their friends each morning. The year 6 teacher and other members of the team enjoy honing their waitering/waitressing skills!

School Trips

A visit to Lifeskills in Bristol is a must for year 6 pupils in this area! During their visit, pupils are shown in a fun and practical way that they should be taking personal responsibility for their own safety as well as learning how to assess risk and cope with difficult situations. They even get to practise making a telephone call to emergency services! Pupils always talk with great enthusiasm about what they have learnt and the invaluable skills they have acquired.

Year 6 wouldn’t be complete without a residential trip! During the summer term, pupils spend several nights in specialist hotel accommodation in Newquay and participate in a range of activities at beautiful seaside locations. The activities include a variety of land and water-based adventures at two beach centres eg. kayaking, coasteering, stand-up paddle boarding, surfing, bodyboarding, raft-building and volleyball at Swanpool Beach in Falmouth and Fistral Beach in Newquay.

Residential trips organised by the school are an invaluable part of the Curriculum. The pupils’ learning is extended beyond the classroom and the children will develop personal and social qualities, grow their self-confidence, learn new skills and most importantly, have lots of fun!

Year 6 Show

A rite of passage in year 6 is to take part in the end of year show. It excites, engages, unifies and motivates whilst at the same time develops children’s confidence, collaboration, and communication skills. Rehearsals feature regularly on the timetable and before they know it, programmes are being designed, costumes are being brought in and tickets are being sold! It is a fabulous way to end their time at St Mary’s and a wonderful memory to take with them on the next stage of their lives. 


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