Our School Uniform
It is the policy of the School that all children should wear the full school uniform. We ask that parents/ carers co-operate fully with this policy. The wearing of school uniform is desirable for the following reasons:
- It gives children a sense of belonging to the school family.
- It gives children a sense of pride in their school.
- It gives children a sense of equality.
High standards of presentation
St Mary's expects its pupils to wear their school uniform with pride, thus:
- Top buttons must be done up and ties knotted correctly.
- Shirts/blouses must be tucked in.
- Skirts must be worn at a modest length.
- Formal Trousers should be full length and have no embroidery or accessories.
- Jewellery is not permitted in school with the exception of one stud in each ear.
- Trainers, open-toed sandals, canvas shoes or boots must not be worn in school.
- Cosmetics and nail varnish must not be worn.
- Extreme hairstyles are unacceptable.
- Hair ties and bands should be appropriate and school colours.
- Uniform should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
What our children wear to school:
Pupils should wear:
- A white shirt or blouse with the school tie
- A navy blue school jumper, tank top or cardigan emblazoned with the school logo
- Plain grey or navy blue formal trousers or shorts (not knitted or jersey)
- Plain grey or navy blue skirt or pinafore
- Blue checked school summer dress (worn with white socks)
- Plain grey or white socks/ tights (not trainer socks)
- Formal, sensible and securely fitted black/ navy shoes
What our children wear for PE and other sporting activities:
or PE and Sports lessons, pupils should wear:
- Blue polo shirt (logo is optional)
- Navy shorts or ‘skort’
- Navy tracksuit bottoms
- Navy sweatshirt
- Daps/trainers (these must be left in school)
- A pair of socks
Please note all the above PE kit items are available with the school logo as an option
The School recommends that parents/ carers provide clothing for a variety of weathers.
Where can I buy the St Mary's uniform?
The company that provides St Mary’s Catholic Primary School with branded uniform is Michael Hope Emroidery and Printing, based in Box.
All school logo embellished uniform, book bags and ties will now be available to purchase on the Michael Hope website https://www.michaelhope.co.uk
Delivery Methods:
- During term time, orders can be sent free of charge to school. For orders being sent to school, please include your child's name and class so they can be handed to your child.
- Orders can be collected from the Michael Hope unit in Box.
- Orders can be sent to your home address for a delivery charge of £4.50
Items that do not require the school logo can be purchased from other retailers.