Year 2
In year 2 we do lots of fun and exciting new things. Our Curriculum Map will tell you everything you need to know about what we do and when we do it.
One of the most exciting things we do is the Key Stage 1 Nativity, where Year 2 take the speaking parts! We also take part in the Dance Umbrella where the children perform for a huge audience at the Forum in Bath. We have the opportunity to take part in the Sports Festival at Oldfield School, the house Pancake race, Easter Bonnet Parade and of course we cheer on KS2 as the houses compete in the Egg Rolling competition.
Some of the highlights include learning about the Great fire of London, a trip to the SS Great Britain and even having a go at learning the recorder!
This year, we entered a writing competition with Young Writers where we wrote a short story about a super pet. We are really proud because our stories are going to be published in a real book!
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