Sport and PE at St Mary's
St Mary's is proud of its reputation for Sports and PE and current and past pupils have gone on to represent their county and country locally, nationally and globally. Our curriculum offer for PE and Sport has improved due to the Government's identified funding for this aspect of our provision and you will be able to read about our investment and outcomes for pupils below. We are a school where health and fitness is celebrated and our Sports & PE Coordinator, Nicole Pecchia, works hard to ensure that our pupils enjoy a rich and varied experience of the world of sport. We carefully monitor the DfE's allocated PE & Sport Premium Grant and you can download this from this page.
Beyond the classroom: Extracurricular Sports Clubs and Events
St Mary's always tries its best to provide an exciting range of extra-curricular options to pupils within and outside of the school day.
Current clubs and experiences include:
- A range of sports clubs led by Up and Under
- Lunchtime Football Club
- Art Club
Alongide our club offer, we also participate in fixtures, tournaments and festivals offered through our local schools' sports partnership, Wesport.
Sports Premium Funding
Our school uses this special government funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport by developing and adding to theactivities already offered and to build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit future pupils.
There are 5 key indicators that we evaluate our spending against:
- the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
- the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
- increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
- broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
- increased participation in competitive sport
Pupil Sports and PE
Pupils at St Mary's enjoy a range of Sport and PE, indoors and outdoors, led by their teachers and a range of coaches and other specialists. Our Sports & PE Coordinator, Nicole Pecchia, works tirelessly to ensure that our children get the best possible experience of school PE and sport and has built close relationships with local and regional clubs, providers and specialists, including Bath Rugby and Make A Move.
We continue our excellent relationship with Up and Under Sports where specialist coaches will deliver top quality lessons to our pupils. This provision complements the work of our class teachers (who will enjoy mentoring and CPD through Up and Under) as well as our continuing relationship with local teams, coaches and specialist providers.