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The Vision and Mission of St Mary's Catholic Primary School


Our Vision

We want to provide a nurturing, loving and sustainable environment where every child is happy and provided with exemplary and inspirational learning; instilling the confidence and Christian values and beliefs that will enable them to thrive as responsible members of their community for life.

Reviewed by the Full Governing Body of St Mary's Catholic Primary School in January 2018

Our Mission

We believe that everyone is a child of God. As a Christian community we try to live like Jesus by:

  • Being kind and helping each other
  • Using our gifts to the very best of our ability
  • Celebrating God in everyone and everything

Our Strategic Plan (2018 - 2024)

Below you can download the Governing Body's Strategic Plan for St Mary’s Catholic Primary School. It sets out the vision and strategy for the school for the next 5 years and provides strategic direction on how the school is to be improved over the coming years. We are very proud of the school’s achievements, ethos and values and look forward to working with everyone to continue the excellent progress made in recent years.


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