St Mary's Key Stage 2 choir is open to pupils from years 4, 5 and 6. The choir has many opportunities to perform which have recently included:
There is tuition in brass instruments, flute and violin. Pupils who learn an instrument, whether at school or privately, are encouraged to perform at assemblies and at the annual school Celebration Music Evening.
All children in Year 3 are taught the ukulele and Year 4 children learn samba drumming. These sessions are run by specialists from the BANES Music service. During the year there is an opportunity for these classes to perform for their parents and the school and, sometimes, to rake part in music workshops with pupils from other schools..
The school orchestra meet on a weekly basis and they accompany singing at School Mass. They also perform at the Mid Somerset Festival and at the annual school Celebration Music Evening.
There is a brass group run by the peripatetic teacher. They perform at school assemblies on a termly basis.
The Recorder group enables children from Year 3 and above to further their musical skills.
Music Time is an after school club for Years 1 and 2 children. It is held weekly and is led by a music specialist from the Music Service. The children have great fun developing their music skills via singing, rhythm games and listening to music. Later in the year they learn the recorder.
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